👯 Pair Dance

Pair Dance helps you get most out of pair programming. Long gone, are the days where you spend valuable time debating who to pair up with. Prevent sticky pairs, context silos, and make pairing up as easy as it can be!

Sign up for Pair Dance, for free.

Facilitate Pair Programming

Allocating pairs in the morning is as easy as pie.

Pair Dance shows all in-flight tasks and the assigned team members
  • Add and modify current tasks at hand
  • Simply drag and drop team members onto tasks
  • Mark people available and unavailable for pairing

Pair.Dance Jira

Synchronise the backlog with Pair.dance

Jira Logo
  • Upcoming tickets from your Jira Backlog one click away
  • Auto-import in-progress tickets on the board
  • Done tickets are cleaned up automatically

Make Pair Programming Work

Encourage more pairing, and get visibility on how well it's going.

  • Encourage more pairing
  • Suggests who could pair more and less often
  • Visualise who has context on what
Context Map Context Map Pairing tracker